Baby Massage Courses
Monday 09.45am to 11.00am
Willow Trees Children’s Centre, Loxley Close, Church Hill, Redditch, B98 9JS
Price Massage: £67.50 for a five week course, payable in full, which includes all materials (your choice of organic massage oil, complete massage booklet & checklist). IF YOUR FAMILY IS EXPERIENCING FINACIAL DIFFICULTY, please get in contact to discuss fees
Description / Notes: These beautiful baby massage classes provide a safe haven for you & your baby to spend quality time with one another. Nurturing touch is one of the primary ways to communicate with your baby, to provide them with comfort, security & relief from issues such as colic, distress & teething pain. This well researched & balanced programme covers massage techniques incorporating longstanding traditions from Indian & Swedish massage, as well as the principles of yoga & reflexology. Each week offers a new area of massage with full instructions & details to take home to share with your baby. There is ample opportunity to explore these sequences week to week, building into a wonderful lifetime language of touch to share with your family.
The IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) massage sequences are suitable for babies from birth to one year, but may be used for children, including those with additional needs up to the age of seven years (& hopefully beyond). Perfect as a foundation for baby yoga later!